Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a smash hit as it breaks all the records set by the previous BioWare titles that launched on Steam.

A legendary trilogy improved and compacted
The Mass Effect trilogy holds a special place in the hearts of many people. Insanely well-written characters, spanning stories, and impactful and difficult decisions. An unforgettable masterpiece for many. Precisely the reason why I was sure Mass Effect: Legendary Edition was going to be a hit.
On one hand, the Legendary Edition brought a lot of welcome changes to the original trilogy. It improved on a lot of hiccups and annoying segments and added lots of quality of life improvements. Sadly, the Legendary Edition is just missing its multiplayer mode, but even that may arrive at some later time.
As expected, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition quickly became a sensation. As pointed out by Benji-Sales on Twitter, a video game industry analyst, ME: LE became a:
- #1 Top Seller on Steam
- amassed the highest concurrent player count of any Mass Effect and BioWare game
- reached the second-highest concurrent player count for EA, with the first being Apex Legends,
Yet, there are some glaring issues that can’t be ignored
On the other hand, it’s not all dandy. A lot of players are reporting all manner of technical issues that mods previously solved. However, there are also entirely new ones brought by the Legendary Edition. One example is the negative mouse acceleration that’s hardcoded into this version of the game. Legendary Edition’s PC port is also lacking in options which is unacceptable when you consider the price tag. A lot of people say that it’s just a HD texture pack with some minor quality of life improvements slapped on.
What do you think? Is the Legendary Edition what you were expecting? Let me know your opinions in the comments section below!

You can pick up Mass Effect: Legendary Edition on HRK Game for a stellar price today!
I’m a sucker for mass effect, so it’s natural I bought it.
If someone feels like it’s only a texture pack, perhaps it is, I believe it’s a great purchase for those that Don’t have all three games. I’m taking my time enjoying it so I haven’t found much bugs besides some geth gliding frozen instead of walking on Eden Prime, it was funny, but not game breaking.
So, so far, you’re having fun and that’s what matters, but concerns regarding the PC port are objectively just bad and show what little thought went into the PC version.