Lunar New Year Is Returing To Overwatch
Another year, another Lunar New Year event for Overwatch, and as always, players can expect a lot of in-game cosmetic items.

When are we getting some new modes for Overwatch? You don’t see Blizzard’s competitive FPS these days, as it just isn’t making waves like it used to back when it first launched. Granted, that’s to be expected since a lot of time passed since this title came out, but it seems like a dead game. Which isn’t good for Blizzard, especially when you consider that already have one of those (we’re talking about you, Heroes of the Storm).
But, those of you that haven’t migrated to battle royale shooters can look forward to another Lunar New Year event, which was announced on Twitter.
Last year the Lunar New Year event gave us Capture the Flag, so everyone is hoping for some new content that isn’t skins or emotes. What do you think, will we be getting a new map? Or maybe even a new game mode? Highly unlikely, since Winter Wonderland gave us nothing but cosmetics, which made us really sad.
Maybe Blizzard is just planning something really big for Overwatch and everyone is working on that so we can’t get small pieces of new content. Let’s hope that’s the case. Anyhow, this time the Lunar New Year is called the Year of the Pig, so you already know that all the Roadhog players are foaming at the mouth as they envision a legendary Roadhog skin.
The event starts on January 24 and ends on February 18, and we can all at least look forward to some cool skins.