LoL Will Shake Up Its Meta With Mythic Items
The upcoming LoL season is coming and Riot intends to focus on improving items and adding Mythic ones that will shake up the meta.
Let’s talk about these new items and how I think they’ll affect the game.

Riot has a plan. Rework some items, alter others, and add some brand new ones. The new ones we’re getting are called Mythic items. Their price is the same as the most expensive ones like Infinity Edge and Rabbadon’s, which will become Legendary items, a bit less powerful than the Mythic ones. However, their effects are something that is new to the game. Your champions will get insane power spikes once these Mythic items are bought. So, how will the LoL meta evolve with these Mythic items? And which champions will become unbearable to play when they get one of these items?
Let’s go over these items together.

Dashes for ADCs
I both love and hate this item. AP champions also have an item that lets them dash. So why wouldn’t AD carries get an item like that as well? Well because when there’s an immobile ADC, it usually means that they have a lot of steroids. True damage, attack speed, increased attack damage. They’re really strong, so if you want to kill them you need to reach them and execute them quickly. But, with Galeforce, any ADC can dash away from you or your ability that would hold them in place. On the other hand, melee champions can also use Galeforce. Having an extra dash that deals damage to the champion with the lowest health is amazing. Rengar, Shaco, Yone, many can utilize the dash amazingly well.

Imagine any character that auto-attacks a lot. Vayne, Kog’Maw, Varus, Ashe, Jinx, Lucian, Twitch, Master Yi, Yasuo. Then give them this item. Insane scaling, insane damage, an item that gives you an otherworldly power spike. Everything in front of you will melt in two seconds. What’s the counterplay when it’s true damage? I’m not sure, but in terms of raw damage, the Behemoth Slayer is a powerhouse of an item.
I’m pretty sure that we’re going to see a lot more assassins now that certain champions become 1v9 machines with these items. And what’s the best way to kill a fed Kog’Maw with a Behemoth Slayer? You get a Talon, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Shaco, or someone like that to burst them down quickly. However, the next item is meant for champions like that.

I am super excited to see which meta will form in LoL when the Mythic items get released. Why? Because we have Sterak’s Gage, but it’s even stronger. A 500 health shield for 3 seconds and 20% increased lifesteal for 8 seconds when you get below 30% health. Honestly, I believe that we’re getting an ADC meta. Some of these items just seem insane. Need a dash? You got it. Need even more damage? No problem. Is that pesky assassin oneshotting you? Don’t worry, here’s a 500 health shield that amps up your lifesteal.
Since one item can now deny a whole class of champions, I wonder. What kind of items will assassins get? Well, we need to wait a bit more to see more items and how other items are going to get reworked. But it does smell like an ADC-centric meta, which makes me scared.

Unkillable AP bruiser gods, fear them
Just kidding, this is going to be a tanky AP carry meta. What the hell is this item? Mordekaiser, Lillia, Teemo, Gragas, even things like Rammus and Maokai. Just imagine those champions with this item. How do you ever beat that? A % damage item with insane stats that gives you increasingly high defense stats. I can’t understand this, and I think the champions that can abuse this item will be downright unkillable. Many tank champions with ANY AP scaling can also get this item and melt people while getting and tankier as the fight drags on.
You can check out their official video where they go over these items here. Anyone that has any questions or thoughts on these crazy new items, do share them. I’d love to discuss this with you all. Stay safe!