Halo Infinite A “Spiritual Reboot” In The Eyes Of Dev Team
In recent gaming generations, there have been a lot of “reboots” or “soft reboots” for franchises that have been around for a long time. Sometimes it just meant going a different gameplay route, other times it was about resetting the story so that new players could jump in without worrying about missing something from the past games. For the upcoming Halo Infinite, the team at 343 Industries seem to be saying that the title will be a “spiritual reboot”.
This is according to boss Bonnie Ross, who spoke to IGN about the matter.
“We’re kind of calling it a ‘spiritual reboot,'” said Ross. “That’s kind of how we talk about it.”
But why call it a reboot at all? Well that’s because the team acknowledges that things haven’t gone the best with the last two Halo titles, and they want to make sure that this one feels like the game should feel in all aspects, and to that end, they think they finally know what that is.

“There has been a lot of introspective time to really reflect on what [we have] done as 343,” said Ross. “Where have we made mistakes? Where have we hit it right? What does Halo mean to all of us? That [Halo Infinite reveal] trailer we did is what Halo means to the studio.
Maybe it took us two games to get there, and I think we’ve done good things and bad things, but what does Halo mean to us? It is about hope, and wonder, and heroism, and humanity, and community, and bringing a community together. That’s what that trailer is, and that’s what we want to do.”
It’s clear that 343 Industries is trying to impress not only the fans, but themselves in regards to what they do here. Whether they do it or not though is still up for debate.