A new mastery, new areas, new enemies, new Constellations, new items, and more is arriving in Grim Dawn: Forgotten Gods, and we even have a release date.

Forgotten Gods is the latest expansion that’s coming to Grim Dawn, the game that was everything that Diablo 3 was supposed to be. Dark, engaging, complex, fun, and an enjoyable ARPG experience that you could pick up easily but still had a ton of depth. In this new expansion we get to experience a brand new story chapter that will send us out into a vicious desert filled with horros that drop exciting new loot.
It seems the Witch God’s cults are preparing to battle something, a god that is thought to have been forgotten. This was obviously a mistake, since whoever this dude is, he certianly hasn’t been forgotten. Perhaps he’s just mad that everyone wants to forget him. Gods are really tricky to deal with, their emotions overwhelme them most of the time.
So, what new features are arriving to Grim Dawn in this expansion? You can look forward to a brand new class mastery that can throw a shield that bounces between enemies, we’re getting all kinds of new mobility skills (teleportation), nine new constellations to agument our abilities, four new factions, and more. New items and enemies are expected, of course, as are the tons of new lore pieces that can be found scattered all across this new region.
Oh, that’s right, the Shattered Realm mode is also being introduced that lets players fight monsters endlessly and earn a crapton of shiny loot!

Forgotten Gods is coming on March 27th, and it’s going to cost you $15.99, which is fairly cheap considering the amount of new content that we’re getting.