Give Borderlands 2 A Shot For Free This Weekend
Borderlands 2, arguably one of the best looter shooters ever made, is free to try out this weekend on Steam.

Borderlands 2 nailed the looter shooter formula by having tons of guns, exciting and engaging gameplay, a hilarious but gripping narrative, and memorable characters, some of which we love and others that we love to hate. It does have a lot of DLC that could have been priced a BIT lower, but it’s all worth it if you get the Game of the Year Edition, which can be bought on our site for a insanely cheap price.
Now, let’s get back on track. We were talking about Borderlands 2 and how it is a good game. Borderlands 3 has been announced, but it will be an Epic Store exclusive for the first six months. Meaning you shouldn’t buy it until it gets released on Steam, just for the fact to boycott the horrible anti-consumer policies that Epic Games are enforcing on people. But, that’s besides the point.
But, there’s no point in worrying about that now when the second game can be played for free for the duration of this entire weekend! That’s right, if by some strange chance you never actually played this brilliant sequel, head over to Steam right now and download the game immediately. You have two days to enjoy this title, which is more than enough time to experience the hilarious and addictive chaos that this shooter provides. Most importantly, you’re going to meet Claptrap, one of the best characters in the series. And no, we are not being sarcastic, we actually love the little cunning robot pal.

What do you say? Will you be visiting Pandora and looting the bodies of dead bandits for a chance to get some spectacular guns?