Everything You Need to Know About FIFA 22 PC – New Features, Release Date, Price

Another year, another game of FIFA for us to enjoy. EA confirmed FIFA 22’s arrival this year, so there’s a ton you should know about the latest FIFA entry. FIFA 22 arrives on PC and console, and there’s a ton of info to digest.

FIFA 22 as a game aims to take the entire franchise to new heights. It’s the first FIFA title to launch for the next-gen consoles, those being the PS5 and Xbox Series X. PSG star Kylian Mbappe, the man who on the cover of FIFA 21 makes a return for FIFA 22 as the cover’s star.

If you’re wondering if you should buy a FIFA 22 PC game key, this article will let you know everything the game has to offer. You decided if it’s worth your money or not. Let’s get into it!

FIFA 22 – Most common questions

There’s a ton of questions regarding FIFA 22. Rightly so, as it’s the newest FIFA title and the one that’s coming with a ton of new stuff. We’ll go over all the game’s editions, the release date, the pre-orders, the next-gen capabilities, new gameplay features, player ratings, the demo, and so on.

Let’s start with the most basic stuff first!

When will FIFA 22 be released?

What’s FIFA 22’s PS4 release date? What’s the FIFA 22 PC launch date? The answer to all these questions is the same, thank God. EA aims to release FIFA 22 on October 1st, 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows.

It’s the most common question, but the most asked one as well so it’s best to get it out of the way first. The second most important one, of course, is the price tag.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

How much is FIFA 22?

Perhaps a more important question than the release date. Doesn’t matter if its a FIFA 22 PC game key, FIFA 22 last or next-gen console game key, it’s a triple-A title all the same. It’s one of the biggest sports franchises in the world, so you pay a premium price for it.

The Standard Edition costs £59.99 / $59.99. The Ultimate Edition costs £89.99 / $99.99. FIFA 22 for the Nintendo Switch sets you back £44.99 / $49.99.

But that’s the usual FIFA game price. We have a better deal for you at the end of this article, so keep reading to find out what’s in it for you if you pre-order FIFA 22.

Should you pre-order FIFA 22?

Is a FIFA 22 pre-order worth it? Depends on what you expect. Anyone that pre-orders the game can play it earlier. Pre-order FIFA 22 and instead of October 1st you get to play it on September 27th.

That’s not all, as pre-ordering offers additional benefits as well, like bonus game content, free and loan players to use in Ultimate Team, and more FUT packs and additional Volta content. Players can pre-order the Ultimate Edition on all platforms.

Additionally, you can only get Dual Entitlement by pre-ordering the Ultimate Edition. What’s Dual Entitlement you might ask? It’s a feature that lets FIFA players upgrade their PS4/Xbox One copy of the game to a PS5/Xbox Series X/S version for free.

The Standard Edition of the game doesn’t come with Dual Entitlement.

Is FIFA 22 using the next-gen features on PC?

Ah, the spicy bit. You see, FIFA games on Origin are the same as their console counterpart. Because a PC can handle anything. Well, while FIFA 21 was the same on next-gen and PC, FIFA 22 has different plans. And it’s all because of a new technology they’re using.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

FIFA 22’s next-gen HyperMotion tech

Never heard of it? Strange, but let me fill you in then.  HyperMotion technology combines motion capture with an algorithm that is trained on “8.7 million frames of advanced match capture”. Too complicated? Don’t worry, I didn’t understand a bit of that as well. Basically, FIFA 22’s HyperMotion technology comes up with new animations in real-time. Essentially creating a ton of organic football movements for all the interactions happening on the field.

Why doesn’t the FIFA 22 PC version use HyperMotion technology?

A PC should be able to handle HyperMotion and all its complex animations that make the players look and move more realistically. Better interaction between the players themselves, the players and the ball, and so on sounds amazing.

However, you won’t see it on PC. Why? Because it would raise the minimum spec requirements. So PC players get the last-gen version of FIFA 22 for some reason. Doesn’t make sense, now, does it? Getting a FIFA 22 PC version without getting the most innovative new tech sounds insane. Let’s hope the HyperMotion technology arrives later as an update or patch.

Does FIFA 22 have a demo?

There’s always a demo for a FIFA game. At least that was the case until FIFA 21 arrived. FIFA 20 had a demo release, and all the games before it as well. A FIFA demo allowed PlayStation, Xbox, and PC fans to see if they would like the newest FIFA game.

FIFA 21 skipped on the demo, and 22 is following in its footsteps. So if you’re looking for a PC or console player looking for a FIFA 22 demo, it doesn’t exist. At least for now, but I don’t think they’ll announce it now as the game’s coming out in half a month.

Why? EA said the team needed to focus on delivering the game so there was no time for developing a demo. At least they had time to improve on existing features and introduce new ones!

FIFA 22 – New features

Let’s dive into all the new content FIFA 22 has to offer. There’s a ton of it so be prepared to ingest a whole lot of FIFA features. We’ll start things off by talking some more about the Next Gen feature known as HyperMotion and overall gameplay additions.


Next-gen consoles are nothing to scoff at. They’re powerful machines, and FIFA 22 has a lot to show thanks to that. With over 4,000 new animations that increase the immersion of the game by a ton. Expect the quality and believability of matches to improve drastically.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

The HyperMotion tech is so powerful that it comes with an “unprecedented” amount of real human movement data for both on and off the ball players. No more janky animations!

A minor gameplay addition is the Explosive Sprint. It helps attackers or defenders outrun the other player and its versatility as both a defense and attack option will surely be much appreciated by FIFA fans.

The AI

Goalkeepers got a new and much-needed AI system as well. No more sloppy passes and lousy leaks of weak shots. Goalkeepers in FIFA 22 stop shots more often and more realistically. Furthermore, each of them has their own personality that comes with unique quirks and behavior. Also don’t expect goalkeepers to perform at 150% while they’re dealing with the pressure of three players attacking at the same time. Since most real humans would also fold under pressure in those situations.

But that’s not the best FIFA 22 news we have to offer for the gameplay section. The AI in general plays much better. The AI-controlled teammates have better decision-making overall. No more problems with loose balls, no more lousy defense formations, and smarter runs into the box. Their shape formations are much sharper too and change with the ball moving across the field.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Ball physics

FIFA gaming finally gets better ball physics. No more wonky trajectories and questionable physics systems. All of that’s addressed in FIFA 22 so the ball gets to move in an unpredictable way, making it much more realistic in a sense.

FIFA 22 Ultimate Team

For those that don’t know, FIFA’s Ultimate Team mode makes a ton of money. Mostly via in-game packs that essentially act as loot boxes. That inevitably made some powerful people angry, since it was basically a form of gambling. That’s why EA made some additions to FIFA 21’s Ultimate Team mode as players can now preview packs. That lets them see its contents before they buy it. There’s a 99% chance that mechanic appears in 22 as well.

Improved accessibility

Generally speaking, FUT (FIFA Ultimate Team) 22 aims to create a more accessible experience. Both Division Rivals and FUT Champions get an overhaul so that all players get the chance to compete with other players fairly. There’s no set schedule like before.  Competing in the Division Rivals and FUT Champions modes isn’t strict, and players get to pick when they compete themselves.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Hero Cards

FIFA fans love the history of football. And Hero Cards are a way to celebrate the best players and biggest moments of this sport. Yet, they also come with special chemistry: “FUT Heroes have unique league-specific chemistry which is tied to their specific hero moment, providing a green Club link to any player within the same league as well as the usual nation link.”

The FUT heroes are:

  • Abedi Pele
  • Fernando Morientes
  • Jurgen Kohler
  • Mario Gomez
  • Antonio Di Natale
  • Diego Milito
  • Jorge Campos
  • Ivan Cordoba
  • Joe Cole
  • Jerzy Dudek
  • Freddie Ljungberg
  • Aleksandr Mostovoi
  • Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
  • Robbie Keane
  • Sami Al-Jaber
  • Tim Cahill
  • Clint Dempsey
  • Lars Ricken


FIFA 22 will have more than 100 Icons at launch. As always, the majority of them are returning players that we saw in previous FIFA titles.  Henry, Beckham, and a bunch of others we’re familiar with will be joined by a couple of new FIFA Icons:

  • Robin van Persie
  • Cafu
  • Iker Casillas

More will be revealed soon, and you can keep an eye on the new Icons on EA’s website.

FIFA 22 Volta

Volta is FIFA’s street football mode that isn’t as popular as its brothers. Sure, everyone plays it here and there, but it never reached the popularity of other modes. However, that doesn’t mean the devs didn’t bring a ton of new content in 22.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Volta’s new Skill Meter system

This mode’s core gameplay is much more rewarding in FIFA 22. Remember the FIFA Street game and its Gamebreaker system? This is very similar to that. It’s also quite simple, so let’s break it down together and see how you increase the Skill Meter:

  • Make a fancy pass and you will fill up the bar by 100
  • Do a wall pass and fill up the bar by 200
  • Beat the opponent with a Skill Move and fill up the bar by 300
  • Nutmeg the opposing player and fill up the bar by 800
  • Dispossessing the other team fills up the bar by 100

Signature Abilities

Confirming that Volta’s the spiciest FIFA 22 mode with the Signature Abilities. These become available during a match either based on your gameplay or when you fill-up the Signature Ability Meter. You have three distinct Signature Abilities to use:

  • Power Strike – Increases your Shot Power attribute by 50% letting it go over the maximum 99% rating. It can knock over defenders or goalkeepers in that case.
  • Pure Pace – Increases both the Speed and Acceleration attributes. If it goes over 99% your player can outrun any opponent on the field.
  • Aggressive Tackle – Increases Strenght and Tackle attributes. Your player can then knock over any opponent without getting a foul.

FIFA 22 Career mode

When we’re talking about the best sports career mode ever, a FIFA game is what everyone thinks of first. The franchises’ Career mode has been a staple in the genre for a very long time. Yet, longtime fans of the franchise think the FIFA Career mode doesn’t get nearly as much love and support as Ultimate Team.

That’s changing with FIFA 22. Both Player Career and Manager Career got a ton of improvements to increase immersion and realism. The biggest addition to this mode is the Create Your Club feature that lets players add their local side to the database and then try to take over the world with them.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Create Your Club

I know this may sound strange, but FIFA players love to roleplay. Playing as a manager of your favorite football team is an ecstatic feeling. Well, Create Your Club now lets you add a custom club for your Manager Career. Assign them to any league you want, give them a rival club, create your original club identity, pick the name and nickname, even customize the stadium, kit, and crest whoever you like.

A wide variety of customization options allow players to come up with stunning and unique kit and crest designs. I mean we can even play around with your stadium, changing net shapes, switching up the colors, and even experimenting with different pitch patterns!

Once that’s all done, generate players in your squad builder, assign their star ratings and age profile, and move on to the final stage: Setting your board expectations and transfer budget.

Player Career

But this can’t be a FIFA Career mode without a Player Career. Managing a team is fine, but some just want to experience the world of football through one pair of eyes.

Your player can now be a substitute. The game starts once you get subbed on, and now’s the time to impress your manager. Because Manager Rating gives you feedback depending on your performance on the field while also giving you Match Objectives.

If you impress your manager, you’ll get a spot in the starting XI. You don’t want to sit on the bench forever. Furthermore, the Manager Rating with your international manager is important as well. As that affects future call-ups with your country.

Each newly created Player has a new and original Player Growth path. Completing matches and fulfilling your Match Objectives rewards you with XP and Skill Points. Those are used in the Player Career Skill Tree to customize your player and decide which attributes you want to improve.

Perks are another addition that improves your own attributes of your team mate’s, depending on which ones you pick.

Other additions

Since FIFA gaming constantly improves its realism, it’s no surprise that Player Career got incredible cinematic sequences at the end of every match. They’re also a way to see info about your and your team’s performance at the end of the match.

Transfer Negotiations screens include relevant info and show contract discussions as well.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Expanded Stories are basically milestones and achievements. Playing a certain number of games or winning the Man of the Match or Manager of the Month awards. The PS5, Xbox Series X&S and Stadia versions of the game show these achievements in pre-match sequences. They even have their own commentary.

Celebrating the achievements of any player is possible with Dynamic Tifos. And there’s the addition of the UEFA Conference League. It’s the third main continental competition for all European clubs.

FIFA 22 Pro Clubs

Pro Clubs are getting a ton of improvements in FIFA 22. Makes sense, since it’s almost as popular as Ultimate Team.

The biggest addition is the option to create females pros. Also developing your player is a lot more complex, so picking the style and growth path of your player is much deeper and broader this time around.

Female Pros

The ability to create female players is the most noticeable FIFA 22 addition. Your teams can now have both male and female players. Naturally, your female pros have the same growth tree as the males, meaning they develop and progress the same way.

Enhanced Player Growth

FIFA 22 greatly improves Player Growth, providing a more in-depth system for players. Points earned via in-game performances let you invest in the skill tree to improve various aspects of your player, like shooting, tackling, passing, and so on.

Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Player Perks

Super bonuses that greatly increase certain attributes. You unlock Player Perks with points you got from your in-game performance.

There’s a catch though. Only a limited number of perks is allowed at one time. So if you intend to switch from offense to defense, you have to swap one perk out for another.

Player Archetypes

These come packaged in with the Improved Player Growth system. Essentially, they’re building blocks for your player. They let you pick the type you want your player to be. A fast attacker, a jack-of-all-trades midfielder, and so on.

Other additions

Lack of information at the end of a match was an issue for Pro Clubs fans. So FIFA 22 intends to show you absolutely everything:

  • Pass maps
  • Heat maps
  • Tackle locations
  • Goals
  • Assists
  • Player Ratings
Image credits: Electronic Arts, EA Vancouver, EA Romania

FIFA 22 Player Ratings

Of course, everyone wants to know who are the highest-rated players. Let’s start with the best ones, the kings of kings, the top 11 players in FIFA 22 according to player ratings.

  1. Lionel Messi (93)
  2. Robert Lewandowski (92)
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo (91)
  4. Kevin De Bruyne (91)
  5. Kylian Mbappe (91)
  6. Neymar Jr. (91)
  7. Jan Oblak (91)
  8. Harry Kane (90)
  9. N’Golo Kante (90)
  10. Manuel Neuer (90)
  11. Marc-Andre Ter Stegen (90)

Next up we have the top 50 FIFA 22 players according to player ratings:

Ranking Player name
#1 Lionel Messi
#2 Robert Lewandowski
#3 Cristiano Ronaldo
#4 Kevin De Bruyne
#5 Kylian Mbappe
#6 Neymar Jr
#7 Jan Oblak
#8 Harry Kane
#9 N’Golo Kante
#10 Manuel Neuer
#11 Marc-Andre Ter Stegen
#12 Mohamed Salah
#13 Donnarumma
#14 Karim Benzema
#15 Virgil van Dijk
#16 Joshua Kimmich
#17 Heung Min-Son
#18 Alisson Becker
#19 Thibaut Courtois
#20 Casemiro
#21 Ederson
#22 Sadio Mane
#23 Paul Dybala
#24 Sergio Ramos
#25 Toni Kroos
#26 Luis Suarez
#27 Samir Handanovic
#28 Sergio Aguero
#29 Bernardo Silva
#30 Eden Hazard
#31 Kalidou Koulibaly
#32 Luka Modric
#33 Bruno Fernandes
#34 Fabinho
#35 Andy Robertson
#36 Jadon Sancho
#37 Ciro Immobile
#38 Angel Di Maria
#39 Trent-Alexander Arnold
#40 Raheem Sterling
#41 Antoine Griezmann
#42 Ruben Dias
#43 Serge Gnabry
#44 Riyad Mahrez
#45 Memphis Depay
#46 Georginio Wijnaldum
#47 Giorgio Chiellini
#48 Kai Havertz
#49 Wojciech Szczęsny
#50 Sergio Busquets


Where to buy FIFA 22?

Need a FIFA 22 PC game key? Or any FIFA PC game key for that matter? They don’t get discounted often. And since they’re a triple-A title that also has a lot of in-game microtransactions, you don’t wanna pay full price for it. Well, there’s a simple solution.

And it’s called HRK Game. I already told you all about the FIFA 22 pre-order bonuses, so why don’t you pick up the game now? For a discounted price at that? Head on over to HRK Game and buy FIFA 22 for -28% off at the time of writing this. But this discount can only increase over time!

That’s not all, as we offer a lot more. Let’s say you don’t want to play FIFA 22 until you try out FIFA 21. Good news, as you can buy FIFA 21 on HRK Game while it’s -71% off at the time of writing this! Even the FIFA 21 Champions Edition is -68% off! Hell, the entire FIFA franchise is available for crazy low prices, you can even buy a ton of FIFA Ultimate Team points for dirt cheap!

What are you waiting for? The HRK Game deals are there, you just have to grab them!

1 Comment
  1. wilma says

    FIFA 22 PC offers an immersive football experience with enhanced gameplay, HyperMotion technology (console-exclusive), and updated rosters. For gamers, ensuring your system meets specs is vital. Visit dyethin.com for quality electronic parts like memory devices or processors to upgrade your PC for smooth gameplay. Enjoy improved visuals and realistic mechanics!

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