Let’s see what information is available about The Witcher 3 and its next-gen upgrade that’s coming for all owners of the game.

A free upgrade to everyone that owns the game
CD Projekt RED is a giant in the gaming industry that most people adore. But, they’re not without sin, as most major video game development companies. Still, they usually make the right decisions and they respect their fans. This is once again confirmed with their latest announcement. The Witcher 3 is getting a next-gen upgrade for everyone that owns the game. Excellent news, there’s no doubt about that, but it also raises some questions. As a next-gen upgrade entails a lot of things that were not specified in that post. So I went on a little exploration adventure to find out the most information as I can. Let’s get into it.
Vanilla and GOTY versions will both get the upgrade
One question that people asked a lot for some reason concerns the GOTY and Complete versions of the game. The base game is getting upgraded, so naturally, the expansions are getting the same treatment. This was officially confirmed via Twitter by CD Project staff themselves.
I can understand the question though because recently the devs of Control went another way. Call it corporate greed or whatever you want, if the vanilla and the GOTY (or “Complete” or whatever you want to call it) versions don’t get the same treatment, it just sucks for the majority of the playerbase. So it’s good to see that CD Projekt RED isn’t taking the same path as them.

The next-gen upgrade will be released as a regular update
A next-gen update is awesome for console players. However, all the upgraded and improved visuals can tank someone’s PC. Especially if you can’t turn off all the advanced graphical improvements. And they might not have upgraded their computer. So this update can make the game unplayable for them, or have horrible FPS/stuttering issues. This was addressed on Twitter as well. The upgrade will be a regular update for all current owners. So you can download it or just postpone it indefinitely if it’s not something that your PC can handle. Just make sure that Steam doesn’t update your games automatically as I’m not sure if this is an update that can be re-rolled to a previous state.
The estimated release date revealed
While this is all fine and dandy, do we have to wait long for the free upgrade? Thankfully the answer is no, as we also have an official release date also revealed on Twitter. While it’s not coming this year, it is scheduled to arrive sometime next year. So 2021 is what they’re aiming for. And in these tough times, getting a The Witcher 3 free next-gen upgrade and having to wait for just a year or so for it is great news.

With all this said, is there anyone here that hasn’t played The Witcher 3? If the answer is no, then you can pick up the vanilla version, the GOTY version, everything related to the Witcher 3 on HRK Game right now, and it’s all greatly discounted!