Epic Games Are Launching Their Own Store
Epic Games, the developers of Fortnite, decided that they want to have their own Store which gives out free games monthly.
Of course, what better way to promote your newly announced Store than to show how less revenue it’s going to take from purchases? Epic Games, the creators of the gaming phenomenon that took the world by storm named Fortnite, want to rival platforms like Steam and GOG with their own gaming store. It seems like everyone thinks that platforms that sell games are the thing to invest into. Remember when we talked about the makers of Discord when they also said that they are also starting to sell games? Everyone is getting on this train, and Epic Games are promoting some cool things. Like two free games a month, as we found out in a GamesIndustry.biz article.

Looks like having the most popular game in the world isn’t enough for them. But, everything aside, the Epic Games Store seems like it’s going to be a fantastic platform. Everything they promise seems pretty freaking good. Some would even say too good, but we will have to wait and see. Their Support-A-Creator programme also seems like it’s a great way to connect developers with gamers. Basically, everyone will be on the winning side when this store launches sometime in 2019.