We’re getting a Dragon Ball Z action RPG this year it seems, and it will focus on Goku and his insane adventures and battles.

Unfortunately, since only we got was an announcement trailer, not much gameplay was shown. Actually, to be more precise, no gameplay was shown at all, but at least we know that we’re getting a Dragon Ball Z action RPG in 2019.
This is an amazing year for those of you that are Dragon Ball fans. Even the last one was awesome, as we got Dragon Ball FighterZ, one of the best Dragon Ball games ever released, and the stunning conclusion of Dragon Ball Super. A couple of days ago, Dragon Ball Super – Broly was released (which is a spectacular movie that we suggest you watch), and now the official announcement for Dragon Ball Game – Project Z arrived as well.
At least we know that they are taking the story from the beginnings of Dragon Ball Z, as we see Goku go against Piccolo. That means we will also be getting the Earth invasion ark where Goku is going to face Vegeta and Nappa for the very first time. Of course, there’s the battle with Raditz, Goku’s older brother, in which Goku actually dies.
It’s quite interesting to think about all the possibilities with a Dragon Ball action RPG, and if they’re going to nail the epicness of certain scenes. For example, when Goku first goes into the famous Super Saiyan mode.

As you can see, that moment was teased in the announcement trailer. The fight against Frieza needs to be something extraoridnary, but we will have to wait and see if they are able to pull it off in a video game.