Diablo 4 Wasn’t Supposed To Be Announced At BlizzCon
Kotaku made an article saying that Diablo 4 was supposed to be announced at BlizzCon, but that appears to be false.

When we first read the Kotaku article that informed us about the fact that Blizzard wanted to show Diablo 4 at BlizzCon, we were a bit skeptic. If that was their plan, why would they scrap it? Not only that, they didn’t announce the game that everyone was expecting, but they announced Diablo Immortal instead, a mobile title. As we all know, the Diablo Immortal announcement went as wrong as it could have, with fans thinking it was a joke. At least we now know that Diablo 4 wasn’t supposed to be announced. Sad news, but what can you do.

After so many rumors about a new Diablo project and all kinds of hints, were we wrong to expect Diablo 4? Maybe, maybe not, but Diablo Immortal was something no one asked for. There seems to be a trend going on in the gaming industry right now. A trend where developers make games that no one wants and then get surprised when the fans don’t care in the slightest after it gets announced.

The main question we have right now is, will Diablo 4 be announced in the near future? Probably not, but we choose to remain optimistic. It’s been a while since Diablo 3 was released, and it’s time for another installment in the Diablo series, and we won’t even count the mobile game.