Development Update for The Withering Focuses on Infected Enemies

The developers behind The Withering have had another busy week, and can now introduce fans to The Horde.

In a recent update on Steam, user Crochan offered an update on what’s been happening, and it looks as if the next update will bring infected enemies back into the fray. After implementing these new infected enemies, along with AI functionality and expanded the city map, the enemies AI and spawn system now allows for the same functionality as any other type of enemy in the game. The update also optimizes performance, which is currently looking smooth after internal testing.

Speaking of optimizing, this has been the case for the new infected enemy models for rendering performance. Combining this with AI and other optimizations, this means that there can be a larger amount of foes that will spawn throughout the game’s environment.

A gameplay video showcasing these new enemies, along with commentary is expected to land sometime next week. Going forward, the next steps in development will be to include the events system’s expansion, which will feature new event types with new enemies, as well as expanding the city environment and the spawn system, so the busy work will be continuing going forward for The Withering.

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