Dark and Light Patch Combats Structure Abuse

A small patch for Dark and Light is being rolled out today, featuring a series of bug fixes and alterations to the decay system, as well as balance adjustments and more.

Players have been providing feedback based on the structure decay timers since it was introduced, which was initially brought in to battle against those using exploits in the game. This was also implemented to reduce the map load on servers, with there being a lot of structures not being utilized. Therefore, the developers are looking to update them in order to all more leniency with the higher-tier structures, as well as a new system being made to stop structure abuse.

Therefore, new structure times will be three days for straw, four for wood, whilst there will be six days for stone, seven for metal and a fortnight for manor-tier structures. To aid the prevention of structure abuse, which includes the practice of pillaring and trapping fellow players, these will be able to be demolished manually by those interacting with them if they haven’t been visited by their respective owners in 72 hours.

There have also been a number of changes to controlled workbenches, which mainly focuses on the lowering of the amount of time a faction has control over neutral workbenches, which will be welcoming news for many fans.

The full list of patch notes can be found here.

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