With all the bugs, performance issues, horrible current-gen launch, and refunds, Cyberpunk 2077 still sold 13 million copies.

We all knew that Cyberpunk 2077 was going to make a lot of money. Hell, I talked about the game’s commercial success as soon as it launched. But, this game has been wrapped in controversies for a while now. The game has been pulled from the Sony store. Last-gen performance (Xbox One and PS4) are mostly horrible. Now there’s an issue with saves which can get corrupted if they get too big. Stocks for CDPR are also tanking at the moment, and there could be a lawsuit coming. One that will be quite messy if it happens. However, despite all of this, Cyberpunk 2077 still sold 13 million copies. This factors in returns that were submitted. Both by retail clients in brick-and-mortar as well as digital storefronts. In the end, this is still an insanely successful launch in terms of the revenue made.
It’s to be expected in all honesty. The hype and marketing behind this title have been immense. I don’t remember when the gaming community as a whole got excited collectively over one game. Especially since it was being made by a company that has just one quite good game under their belt. The Witcher 1 and 2 were solid, but rather mediocre games. Then the third one came and become a massive hit. CDPR then rode the wave of their critical praise and announced Cyberpunk 2077. We all know how the story goes after that.

You can find The Witcher franchise, as well as Cyberpunk 2077 on HRK Game where all the titles feature great discounts!