Could Apex Legends Beat Out Fortnite? Ninja Weighs In.
In case you haven’t heard, there is a new battle royale game in the world of gaming, and it’s called Apex Legends. The irony of the title is that it’s a game set within the world of Titanfall, yet it doesn’t have any of the Titans in it just yet. Despite this, the game apparently plays really well, and has already gotten 10 million players over the course of a few days. The questions are already mounting on whether it could catch up to things like PUBG and Fortnite.
This may sound ridiculous at first, but do recall that a very similar situation occurred with PUBG and Fortnite beforehand. PUBG was dominating the market in a major way when the Epic Games title came around. And only after it “copied” the Battle Royale formula did the game start to take off like a rocket. So anything is possible.

Everyone who is wondering about how far Apex Legends will is looking to big gamers in the industry for thoughts, and that includes Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, who noted this during a livestream:
“I mean I think any game has the chance to go over Fortnite, but it’s going to be nearly impossible,” said Blevins. “But this game specifically….it’s anyone’s best guess at this point. I think it’s going to be nearly impossible for anyone to do what Fortnite has done, and what they continue to do day-in and day-out and update their game.”
He’s not wrong for the record, after all, Epic Games uses their large company to help ensure that their game is constantly filled with updates and new content, which is actually what sank PUBG in a way. So unless Apex Legends is able to add content frequently they may have a lot of players and fame, but they likely won’t reach the top.