CDPR wants everyone to know that Cyberpunk 2077 will eventually reach its full potential and be the megahit it was supposed to be.

Cyberpunk 2077 recently got a new game director. He’s in charge of DLCs, expansions, and that sort of thing. Considering the game got some big patches, we can safely say the team is making progress. It isn’t fast by any means, but half the team is actively fixing and polishing the game.
However, can CDPR ever repair their relationship with their fans? Lying, manipulation, and promotion of a totally broken game as the biggest RPG of the century leave a bitter aftertaste. Can we ever see CDPR as a passionate developer again instead of another big stakeholder-owned company that aims to pump out mediocre games?
If anything, Adam Kiciński, President and Joint CEO of the CD PROJEKT Group said in the first quarter financial results:
– We intend to live up to what we promised our gamers in January. While we already see major improvements, a large part of the team continues to work on making sure that Cyberpunk provides even better entertainment to gamers. At the same time, we’re rolling out initial changes related to the internal transformation of our studio. This is a long-term project, but we regard it as essential if we are to efficiently develop two large AAA projects in parallel –
Will Cyberpunk 2077 ever reach its full potential? What do you think, are they able to pull this title from the mud and polish it enough to make it truly shine as it was supposed to? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below!

Pick up your copy of Cyberpunk 2077 on HRK Game today!