CD Projekt finds themselves in even more trouble as they prepare to face a second lawsuit head-on regarding the Cyberpunk 2077 disaster.

CD Projekt isn’t having a nice time since Cyberpunk 2077 launched. If you remember, one lawsuit was already filed against them when 2020 was ending. However, it seems like it isn’t the last one they have to face. We now have official confirmation that a ” law firm acting on behalf of a group of holders of securities traded in the USA under the ticker symbols “OTGLY” and “OTGLF” and based on Company shares” is filing another one. Yup, CD Projekt is already facing a second lawsuit and 2021 is just starting.
CD Projekt know they’re in the wrong. I mean, how many times have they apologized, counting the last one where the co-founder of the company spoke publically in a video where he mostly downplays the whole Cyberpunk 2077 disaster? This catastrophe destroyed their reputation, and it seems like more and more problems keep piling on the once-beloved developer.
Yet, it’s not all doom and gloom. CDPR released all of their games in semi-broken states. And they’ve fixed all of them in due time. But, none of those games featured so many obscene amounts of bugs. Last-gen versions were unplayable, the game was pulled from Sony’s store. A lot of controversies, that’s for sure.
What do you think? Can CD Projekt deal with all these issues and emerge with their reputation repaired? Or is this the apocalypse for the Polish developer?

Those looking to try Cyberpunk 2077 on the PC can find a cheap game key on HRK Game. You can also get all The Witcher games for exotically low prices as well!