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Watch The Full First Mission Of Anthem

The first full mission of Anthem was played at the Paris Game Week and it showcases the game's combat and even some Ultimate abilities. Well, this is a rather lackluster gameplay if we're being totally honest. For the most part, we…

Fortnitemares Is Finally Here

The Fortnite Halloween event that was teased for all eternity, Fortnitemares, is finally here, and it brought a lot of spooky things with it. This Fortnite Halloween event was teased for quite a while now. Epic Games put a lot of…

Are You Hyped For Minecraft: Dungeons?

Minecraft: Dungeons is an all-new Minecraft experience that doesn't focus on building at all. So, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Minecraft is definitely one of the most popular video games out there. Even if it doesn't have the…