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Epic Is Giving Everyone A Free Glider In Fortnite

Epic is giving away a free glider to all Fortnite players as an apology to everyone that didn't get to see the Unvaulting event. Fortnite is still going strong today because Epic is throwing events left and right, while also constantly releasing new content. The community is loving them, and the latest one was the Unvaulting event. It

Microsoft Wants Its Community To Behave

It seems that big companies like Microsoft have to teach players something that they should already know by now. Since they've updated their Xbox Community Standards, certain parts sound pretty comedic. Valuing the privacy of others,

Dev Confirms Anthem Support Won’t Die Down

Chad Robertson said on Twitter that their development team is 100% committed to Anthem and its improvement. Anthem is pretty much on its death bed, so the fact that the head of Live Services over at BioWare had to tweet out that

Pick Up Assassin’s Creed Unity For Free

Ubisoft is donating a lot of money for the Notre-Dame restoration, and Assassin's Creed Unity is free for the taking. At least now we can't say that Ubisoft never did anything good. Everyone heard about the tragic fire that

The Eggcellent Adventure Returns To ARK

The Eggcellent Adventure event makes it's appearance once again, bringing exclusive loot for all ARK players! Each year once we get close to Easter, Easter-themed events start popping up in games. It's the same thing as with

ESO: Elsweyr Arrives On The PTS

If you want to try out the new content that ESO: Elsweyr is bringing, it's now available on the PTS. ESO v5.0.0 and Elsweyr, the newest Chapter, made their way to the Public Test Server. Those of you that want to test this new

What’s Coming Next To Grim Dawn?

Forgotten Gods came recently with a lot of content, but what's on the horizon for the dark world of Grim Dawn? Now that Forgotten Gods brought all of its new features to the game, it's time for some tuning. The first thing that's

Overwatch: Storm Rising Starts Today

Sometime today, Overwatch players can look forward to the start of the Storm Rising co-op event. Another Archives event will start today, and this time we see a team that's trying to hunt down an accountant. Pretty standard affairs