Due to the sexual harassment and discrimination allegations aimed at some important Blizzard figures, it seems McCree is getting renamed.

Blizzard is going through hell right now. It’s all thanks to overwhelming allegations of widespread sexual harassment and discrimination. It didn’t help that Jesse McCree, the lead level designer of Diablo 4, took part in “Cosby Suit” group chats. While more and more of the company’s filth got uncovered we started noticing just how much of the company Blizzard put into their games.
You probably heard about the awkward situations where Overwatch casters avoided using McCree’s name during matches. Well, it’s time for changes, and our favorite cigar-smoking cowboy will no longer be connected to Jesse McCree in any way. Blizzard released a statement on Twitter about inclusivity. equity and hope while also telling us that McCree is getting renamed.
What’s McCree’s new name? Right now, we have no idea. What we do know is that this is a big change for Blizzard. There’s a lot of work to be done here. After all, McCree is one of the most iconic Overwatch characters. His name’s referenced and mentioned a lot, so I think we won’t be hearing about his new name in a while.
Fans aren’t happy because they don’t associate the Overwatch hero with the person responsible for those awful things. Naturally, they don’t want their favorite cowboy to lose his iconic name. But it seems Blizzard is adamant about their new company policy about avoiding real-life figures having any connection to their games.
What do you think about this whole situation? Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section!

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This decision by Blizzard to rename McCree reflects a commitment to creating a gaming environment free from association with real life controversies. It is a positive step towards promoting inclusivity and accountability within the gaming community.