Battlefield 1 Offering Free Gifts For Next Month

How long do you play a game after its release? That is a question that many developers try and answer when developing a game. Naturally, some games end their runs quicker than others, especially if they’re singleplayer focused. Multiplayer focused games though can go on for quite some time because of online matches with other players. This is true for Battlefield 1, which came out last year to much praise, and now, a year later, is still cranking out content and having players play it.

So, it’s only fair, and nice, that EA and DICE reward players who are still playing the game. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. For until December 31st, you can get a bunch of free items and boosts and bonuses just by logging into the game.

Then, on certain days, very special bonuses will be granted. On Saturday’s for example, you’ll get double XP, then on Sunday’s, it’ll be double XP Squad Boosts. All the more reason to play the game, right?

But that’s not all, the free rewards also include free scrap for logging in on Monday’s and Thursday’s. 250 pieces of scrap to be accurate. On Tuesday’s, you have a “Holiday Backpack Mission” to look forward to. If you complete it, you’ll get a “Superior Backpack”. Or, if you want more for free, just log in on Wednesday’s and get a Battlepack for no hassle.

Then, on Christmas Day, you’ll get a Superior Backpack for free as a gift from the team. Aren’t they nice?

All this adds up to many free and epic things that you can get during this month. But also, it’s a perfect way to led into the release of the next DLC pack for the game, Turning Tides, which will arrive on the 11th for Premium Access players, and two weeks after that for regular gamers.

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