Back 4 Blood, the spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead 2, got delayed but at least we’re getting an open beta.

Left 4 Dead’s spiritual successor isn’t ready for the masses yet
Left 4 Dead 2 is probably one of the best co-op zombie shooters out there. It’s the perfect mixture of adrenaline, paranoia, smooth shooting, and scary zombies dying to rip your flesh apart. However, that game released 11 years ago. Valve never bothered to make a sequel, as they always stop at the second game.
But, Back 4 Blood is basically Left 4 Dead 3. In everything but name, this feels like what the third game in the Left 4 Dead franchise should have been if it was ever made. Naturally, we’re all hyped as shit to play this game. It even brings giant zombie bosses and other additions. Familiar enough so many can get right into it but still introduces some new mechanics to spice the typical formula up.
Back 4 Blood may be delayed, but there’s an open beta coming
Ah, the era of delays continues. I think I wrote about 50 articles about delays in the past 6 months. Yet, considering the global pandemic and all, it’s not that surprising. Like most titles, Back 4 Blood needs more time for polishing, bug fixing, and balancing.
But, not all is doomed. We’re getting a Back 4 Blood open beta this summer. They announced the delay and open beta via Twitter. The game releases on October 12th, 2021. Waiting a bit more isn’t all that bad considering everyone will play the open beta.

While we wait for the open beta, there’s always the option of playing the Left 4 Dead games, all of which are greatly discounted on HRK Game!