Metal Gear Survive Tops Digital Sales in Japan

The sales charts that were release a couple of weeks ago have revealed some rather interesting statistics. Metal Gear Survive has not been without controversy since it's release, especially as far as microtransactions are concerned. Despite this, it has managed to dethrone Monster Hunter World in digital sales in Japan. As far as retail goes,…

Final Fantasy XV Has Been Cracked Already

It was recently reported that Denuvo anti-tamper tech was going to be used in Final Fantasy XV. However, just a day later, and a few days prior to its launch on PC, it has already been cracked. This was done by 3DM, a Chinese group who…

Turok 1 and 2 Now Available on Xbox One

If you're looking to relive the glory days, then why not head back to 1997 with the re-release of Turok and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on Xbox One? The brutal story of travelling through time as protagonist Turok in a battle against The…

Metro Exodus Not Looking to Introduce Multiplayer

To date, Metro has been a single-player experience enjoyed by many, but there is the feeling that the more could be done with it, such as branching out into multiplayer. Though there has also been a claustrophobic setting that has made the…