Atomic Heart keeps up its trend of showing more totally baffling and insane things in its short yet incredibly compelling E3 trailer.

Mundfish isn’t revealing a lot about Atomic Heart. Some reports way back in the day even reported mass studio layoffs. After that, the silence period began. Which was broken only recently with a brief trailer that showed off more nonsensical shenanigans.
Thankfully, Atomic Heart got an E3 trailer that showed off more of the game. Unfortunately, it’s very brief and doesn’t really tell us much. That’s actually a repeating theme with this game and its trailers. There’s a ton of creepy robots that have a very eerie uncanny valley look. Our hero also has some kind of special left hand that lets him hack, shock, and even affect gravity in a way. Do yourself a favor and see the E3 trailer yourself:
Can you make sense out of anything? Absolutely not, and that’s the best part. Atomic Heart looks like it was created by stitching together different LSD trips. And that’s something games today need, in my humble opinion at least.
Will the gameplay match these insanity-fueled trailers? I hope to God it does, as having the Bioshock vibes be turned up to 11 in a Soviet setting sounds spectacular. On one hand, Mundfish is a novice developer studio without any games under its belt. On the other, it doesn’t hurt to be a little bit optimistic.
In conclusion, we just need one good gameplay trailer. But, keeping Mundfish’s silent marketing strategy I doubt we’ll get one.

A slightly less insane video game similar to Atomic Heart is BioShock. Check the entire franchise for a staggeringly low price on HRK Game!