Amazon Reveals When Its PvP Shooter Crucible Is Releasing
Amazon reveals when one of its three upcoming games, the free-to-play PvP shooter Crucible, is getting released.

I see that Amazon finally noticed the video game industry. Now they want a piece of the pie, and they want a big chunk. We’ve all heard of their ambitious upcoming MMO, New World that also, unfortunately, got delayed. However, that’s only one of the three games that Amazon has for us. Another one is Crucible. It’s a multiplayer competitive shooter where teams battle it out in three different modes. Alpha Hunters is a basic deathmatch where you have 8 teams made out of 2 players and the last team standing wins. Harvester Command is a capture-and-hold the resource type of game mode. Lastly, there’s Hear of the Hives in which two teams of four need to kill alien creatures and collect three “Hearts”.
There are ten Hunters you can choose from. Each one presumably has a distinct and unique playstyle. Players also collect something called “essence” that lets them level up. This increases your hunter’s power and amplifies your special abilities. It doesn’t sound all that special, but at least it’s not a battle royale game. Amazon is releasing Crucible on May 20th. You can visit the game’s official webpage for more information.

If you like shooting and characters with special abilities, I suggest you pick up Overwatch which is greatly discounted on HRK Game right now!