Age of Empires 4 Gameplay Revealed
Oh boy oh boy, an actual trailer for Age of Empires 4 that is not a cinematic is upon us, and it is not what we were expecting.

Is this the gameplay reveal that we were hoping for? No, it is not. Seeing as it does not show gameplay directly. We just get to see an overview of a city and then the opening of a rather large-scale siege. Still, it is better than nothing, or at least better than a cinematic trailer. As soon as you watch this trailer though, you may find the look of the game to be, well, odd. People in the comments section are already saying that this looks like a Settlers title. Or that this is Age of Empires II: Definite Edition: Definite Editon. I have to admit, I chuckled at that last one.
The Age of Empire titles have rather plain, grounded graphics. You know, mostly drab yet sharp colors, all in the name of a realistic aesthetic. The focus in these games is on the gameplay, not the graphics so that’s understandable. But, the Age of Empires 4 trailer features some rather shiny and vibrant colors. Almost like this was some sort of high-fantasy strategy game.

People are also finding the setting strange. Age of Empires 1 took place during ancient times. Age of Empires 2 tackled the Middle Ages. Age of Empires 3 was set during the colonization of America. Now, the fourth game is going back to the medieval period for some reason.
If you’re unfamiliar with these franchises, I recommend trying the HD remake of the second game. You can get a PC game key for Age of Empires II HD on HRK Game for an outstanding price.