Jeff Kaplan Details New Overwatch Pro Tournament Features

As great and popular game that Overwatch is, it is difficult to watch a pro tournament at times. The Blizzard shooter is fast-paced, offers several characters in an objective-based mode, with many bright colors and just a whole lot going on at once. So understandably, it’s hard to see just what is going on from time to time.

Jeff Kaplan has revealed a brand new developer video, which details five key changes coming to the Overwatch’s esports suite. Firstly, there will now be in-game team uniforms, which will begin from the World Cup. Each team will be equipped with either home or away outfits, with the HUD matching whoever you are watching.


There will also be a top-down interactive for broadcasters, which will allow them to pull a map up and check out where everyone is, how much ult charge they have, if they’ve been stunned or not and more features. A third feature is the third-person “smart” camera. This again shows where the action is taking place, which makes it a much smoother experience. There is now instant replay tools, which will let broadcasters select any moment from their killfeed, as well as re-position cameras and select time-scales.

Finally, an automated tournament interface will give organizers the ability to set up matches that will leave little room for error. So if a player is disconnected, they will be able to have the chance auto-pause and possibly reconnect and resume where they left off.

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