Help Will Come Tomorrow IF You Survive the Unknown

Key Highlights

  1. The game boasts a unique premise: a group of strangers from different social classes must band together in the unforgiving Siberian wilderness after a train derailment.
  2. Resource management and base building are key gameplay elements, demanding strategic decision-making in the face of scarcity.
  3. Character relationships and morale play a crucial role, adding a layer of complexity to survival as you struggle to maintain a semblance of order.
  4. Despite its unique premise, Help Will Come Tomorrow often falls into generic survival game tropes, offering little innovation to seasoned players of the genre.
  5. The lack of atmospheric immersion and a captivating storyline may leave you feeling emotionally detached from the harsh realities the game attempts to portray.


Help Will Come Tomorrow is a new game from Klabater. It combines a survival strategy game with a story set in the harsh Siberian environment of 1917. Players face tough challenges as they try to survive. They must deal with difficult conditions and manage the limited resources of the passengers they are taking care of.

help will come tomorrow

Exploring the Essence of “Help Will Come Tomorrow”

Help Will Come Tomorrow invites players on a tough journey through a harsh and challenging world. You need to guide a group of survivors through the Siberian wilderness, which has many chances for an exciting survival story.

Unfortunately, the game does not deliver well. Instead of a touching story about human strength, it becomes a repetitive task of looking for supplies and dealing with fights among the group. The seriousness of your situation, the real struggle to survive against all odds, does not hit home. You end up feeling more like a distant fan than someone who is truly involved.

Overview of the Game’s Premise

Set in 1917 Imperial Russia, the game puts you in charge of a group of train crash survivors. They are stuck in the heart of the Siberian wilderness. You have scarce resources and always face the threat of hunger and the cold. The game tries to show how tough it is to survive in this uninhabitable Siberian wilderness.

While the story sounds interesting, the game has trouble showing the harshness of that environment in a way that really draws you in. The gameplay feels basic and routine. It lacks the depth needed to make you feel the desperation of the situation. You will find yourself gathering wood, hunting for food, and building simple shelters. However, you may not truly feel the weight of your situation.

In the end, Help Will Come Tomorrow feels more like a list of survival game ideas than a truly engaging experience. It doesn’t have the emotional depth needed to connect you with the struggles of your characters.

The Unique Setting and Its Challenges

The game focuses a lot on its setting, which is the frosty wilderness of Siberia. This place could be an important part of the story. However, it doesn’t meet expectations. The environment seems very harsh, but it doesn’t really affect the gameplay or the survival of the characters in a meaningful way.

The cold and the risk of hunger are always there, but they only show up as bars on a screen. We don’t really feel their impact. The world feels flat and lacks changes and results—this is a lost chance to make the game better than it is.

To create a strong survival experience, a game needs more than just a harsh setting. It needs to give players a real sense of danger. They need to feel constant pressure to stay alert. Sadly, Help Will Come Tomorrow doesn’t achieve this.

help will come tomorrow

Key Features and Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay is based on the well-known ideas of the survival genre. You collect resources, take care of your survivors’ needs, and make smart choices to keep the group safe. However, what seems like a great setup soon turns into a boring routine.

There are not enough important choices to make, and the challenges feel similar each time. This makes the gameplay more like a job than an enjoyable time. The game finds it hard to balance helpful challenges and boring tasks, often making players feel upset instead of happy.

Character Development and Survival Skills

In Help Will Come Tomorrow, the characters seem to lack depth. Their personalities and backstories do not feel fully developed. You see a group of people with different backgrounds, which is a common idea in the survival genre. Each character is said to have their own weaknesses and strengths. This is meant to add some management to the gameplay.

But, you rarely see these personality traits in actual gameplay. The characters usually react the same way to events. Their dialogue can feel repetitive and does not touch the emotions.

In the end, the characters come off more as typical ideas than real people just trying to survive against tough challenges.

Strategic Decision Making in Harsh Conditions

Help Will Come Tomorrow tries to challenge players with hard choices. It forces you to make tough decisions that can affect the survival of your group of passengers. However, these choices often do not have the deep moral and emotional feeling the developers wanted.

In a game that takes place during a time of social and political change, the themes of prejudice and class conflict seem quite simple. You meet characters from different social backgrounds, like a noblewoman, a soldier, and a worker. But these differences do not really matter in the gameplay.

In the end, the game’s push for strategic decision-making feels forced and expected.

  1. The results of your actions seem important, but they often lack true weight or meaning.
  2. You often feel like you have the illusion of choice, as if you are only controlling puppet figures instead of being a leader faced with tough decisions.

help will come tomorrow

Deep Dive into the Art and Design of the Game

Help Will Come Tomorrow has a specific look that tries to show the harsh beauty of the Siberian wilderness. Sadly, it does not achieve this well. The character models look stiff and lifeless. They do not move smoothly or realistically.

The surroundings are okay but lack detail. They do not show the real size and beauty of the place. The game’s art style tries to be different, but it does not make the experience better. This leaves players feeling disconnected and without strong feelings.

Visual Style and Atmospheric Elements

Developed by Arclight Creations, Help Will Come Tomorrow could have been a visual gem. The stunning Siberian wilderness and the tight spots in your makeshift shelters had a chance to create a lovely experience. Sadly, the game does not reach its full potential.

The game has trouble with its visuals. It tries for a realistic look, but it often comes off as flat and lifeless. The textures are unclear, the lighting is not steady, and the overall look is messy. Even though it shows characters from different social backgrounds, they appear plain and their movements are forgettable.

The problems with the visuals make it harder for the game to give players a believable sound experience. The music is okay but lacks real emotional power. Instead of adding to feelings of loneliness and hopelessness, it seems out of place. This takes players further away from the world and its characters.

Audio Design and Its Role in Immersion

Sound design is very important for creating an immersive experience in survival games. The atmosphere plays a big role in this. Unfortunately, Help Will Come Tomorrow does not do well in this area. The sound effects are okay, but they do not bring the harsh setting to life. The sound of snow underfoot feels light, and the wind’s howl seems far away and not real.

The soundtrack is also lacking, offering dull and repetitive music that does not improve the gameplay. Instead of building tension and evoking feelings of isolation, the music becomes background noise that you ignore. This is a loss, as a strong sound experience could have really improved this game.

Help Will Come Tomorrow is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, and GOG (it is also on Steam’s wishlist!). The lack of focus on sound details is surprising. A strong podcast-like story or some ambient storytelling could have helped cover up some of the game’s weaknesses.

help will come tomorrow


“Help Will Come Tomorrow” shows a dark but interesting view of surviving in unknown situations. This game gives players a special setting and tough challenges that require smart choices to stay alive. It emphasizes growing your character and learning survival skills. The game explores the hard truth of facing tough choices in very challenging circumstances. The art and design, including the visuals and sounds, make the experience even better. Face the tough nature of this game as you work through its challenges and unknowns.

The unknowns of course will be discovered by you but why spend too much money for them when you can buy the game with 92% discount:

HRKgame | Help Will Come Tomorrow

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