Latest News: Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground Expansion

Key Highlights

  1. Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground Expansion introduces new robotic parts and surface features for players to explore and study.
  2. Players can conduct scientific experiments and collect data from various celestial bodies within the game.
  3. The expansion adds a wide range of new parts to enhance spacecraft design and construction.
  4. Breaking Ground offers gameplay enhancements, including new challenges and missions for space exploration.
  5. The expansion also includes improvements to physics and graphics, as well as compatibility with existing saves and mods.


Kerbal Space Program, the beloved spaceship simulation game, is breaking new ground with its latest expansion. Breaking Ground takes players on a thrilling journey through space, offering exciting new features and challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this expansion.

In Breaking Ground, players can delve into the world of scientific exploration by conducting experiments and collecting data, including seismic data, on various celestial bodies. The expansion introduces new robotic parts and surface features, allowing players to build and explore like never before. But beware, these robotic components are meant for serious scientific expeditions only, so no giant mechanical tarantulas or robot wars on the moon! Deployed Science, such as the active seismometer, allows players to deliberately crash things into a celestial body to gather important scientific data using various pieces of equipment, including a central station.

With Breaking Ground, the possibilities are endless. From studying surface formations and conducting scientific experiments to building complex machinery and exploring new terrains, there’s no shortage of excitement in this expansion. Strap on your space suit and get ready to embark on a new adventure with Kerbal Space Program.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

Overview of Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground Expansion

Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground Expansion takes the game to new heights with its focus on scientific exploration and discovery. This second expansion pack adds a plethora of exciting features, including new robotic parts, surface formations, and interesting scientific endeavors, making it an essential addition for players looking to push the boundaries of the game. With Breaking Ground, players can take their space program to the next level and embark on an epic journey through the cosmos, making it one of the most interesting scientific endeavors in the world of Kerbal Space Program.

Key Features and What’s New

Kerbal Space Program Breaking Ground Expansion introduces a host of exciting new features and enhancements. Here are the key highlights:

  1. Robotic Parts: The expansion adds hinge, piston, rotor, and rotational servo parts in various sizes, allowing players to create intricate and dynamic structures for their spacecraft.
  2. Surface Features: Explore new terrains with unique surface formations, such as rock outcroppings and crystal formations, providing players with visually stunning landscapes to study and explore.
  3. Scientific Experiments: Conduct a variety of scientific experiments on different celestial bodies, collecting valuable data and advancing your space program’s knowledge and capabilities.

With these new additions, Breaking Ground expands the possibilities for players to create, explore, and discover in the vastness of space.

Release Date and Initial Impressions

Since the release of kerbal space program breaking ground expansion, players have been eagerly diving into the new content and sharing their initial impressions. The expansion has been well-received, with many players praising the new challenges and opportunities it brings to the game. Breaking Ground introduces a new level of complexity and depth, providing players with an even greater challenge as they explore and experiment with the new features. The initial impressions from the community indicate that Breaking Ground is a major addition to the Kerbal Space Program experience, adding a fresh and exciting dimension to space exploration.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

Exploring the Breaking Ground Expansion Content

With the Breaking Ground expansion, players can dive into a wealth of new content that expands the possibilities of their space program. From enhanced surface features to new robotics parts, there’s something for every aspiring astronaut. Prepare to conduct scientific experiments, explore new terrains, and push the limits of your creativity with an even greater focus on scientific discovery. The Breaking Ground expansion takes the Kerbal Space Program experience to new heights, offering endless hours of thrilling gameplay and discovery. About This Content – Deployed Science: Scientific experiments have always gone hand-in-hand with space exploration and are now becoming an even greater focus in KSP. Players will be able to utilize a storage container in their craft that can hold various pieces of science equipment.

Enhanced Surface Features and Scientific Experiments

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion brings an array of enhanced surface features and scientific experiments to the world of Kerbal Space Program. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Surface Features: Explore new terrains with visually stunning surface features, such as rock outcroppings and crystal formations, providing a rich and immersive gameplay experience.
  2. Scientific Experiments: Conduct a variety of experiments on different celestial bodies, collecting valuable data and expanding your space program’s knowledge. Experiment with various sizes and configurations to uncover the secrets of the universe.

These enhanced surface features and scientific experiments add a new layer of depth and realism to the game, allowing players to engage in meaningful exploration and discovery.

Introduction to New Robotics Parts

Kerbal space program breaking ground expansion introduces a wide range of new robotics parts that allow players to unleash their creativity and build unique spacecraft. The new parts include hinges, pistons, rotors, and rotational servos of various sizes, enabling players to create complex and dynamic structures using different parts. These new additions open up a world of possibilities for spacecraft design and construction, enhancing the creativity of their crafts. In addition, the introduction of a robotics controller system allows players to coordinate the behavior of all the different parts on their craft, making it easier to create and control complex movements. Whether you’re building a rover with articulated limbs or a space station with rotating components, the new robotics parts and controller system in Breaking Ground give you the tools to bring your wildest ideas to life. Let your imagination soar as you experiment with these innovative additions and take your space program to new heights with the addition of a robotics controller system to your crafts.

Terrain and Environmental Updates

Breaking Ground expansion brings exciting updates to the terrain and environment in Kerbal Space Program. Players will have the opportunity to explore new terrains with diverse features, such as mountains, valleys, and plains. The solar system in the game has also received a makeover, with improved textures and visual enhancements. These terrain and environmental updates, including the addition of larger surface features, such as meteors, craters, and rock outcroppings, as well as smaller surface features like cryovolcanoes, create a more immersive and realistic experience for players as they navigate the vastness of space. By attaching the new robotic rover arm to their rovers, players can scan these larger surface features to collect important scientific data. Whether you’re traversing rugged mountain ranges or marveling at the beauty of a distant planet, Breaking Ground’s terrain and environmental updates will captivate and inspire your space exploration adventures.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

Gameplay Enhancements in Breaking Ground

Kerbal space program breaking ground expansion brings a host of gameplay enhancements to Kerbal Space Program. From new challenges and missions to improvements in physics and graphics, there’s something for every player to enjoy. The expansion introduces exciting new gameplay mechanics, allowing players to engage in complex scientific experiments, build intricate machinery, and explore new terrains. With Breaking Ground, the objective possibilities for gameplay are endless, offering a fresh and immersive experience for both new and veteran players. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey through the cosmos and discover a whole new level of excitement and objective possibilities in Kerbal Space Program.

Challenges and Missions Specific to the Expansion

Breaking Ground expansion presents players with new challenges and missions, adding a whole new dimension to the game. The expansion introduces a range of unique objectives and tasks that test players’ skills and creativity. From conducting scientific experiments to exploring new terrains, players will face exhilarating challenges as they push the boundaries of space exploration. Breaking Ground is a major addition to the Kerbal Space Program experience, offering exciting new gameplay opportunities and a fresh set of missions to conquer. Prepare for an adventure like no other as you embark on daring expeditions and become a true pioneer of the cosmos.

Improvements to Physics and Graphics

Breaking Ground expansion brings significant improvements to the physics and graphics in Kerbal Space Program. The game’s space flight simulator has been enhanced, providing a more realistic and immersive experience for players. From the movement of spacecraft to the interaction with surface features, the improved physics engine adds a new level of authenticity to the game. Additionally, the graphics have been upgraded, with enhanced textures and visual effects that bring the game world to life. Whether you’re exploring the vastness of space or studying the intricacies of a crystal formation, the improvements to physics and graphics in Breaking Ground make for a truly breathtaking gaming experience.

Compatibility with Existing Saves and Mods

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion ensures compatibility with existing saves and mods, allowing players to seamlessly integrate the new content into their gameplay. Whether you’ve been adventuring in space for years or just starting out, Breaking Ground is designed to enhance your existing Kerbal Space Program experience. The expansion works hand in hand with the game’s existing features, ensuring a smooth transition and continued enjoyment for players. Additionally, the expansion supports mods, giving players the freedom to customize their gameplay experience even further. So, whether you’re embarking on a new space adventure or continuing your existing journey, Breaking Ground has you covered.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

How the Expansion Changes Kerbal Space Program

Breaking Ground expansion brings a wave of changes to Kerbal Space Program, transforming the game into an even more immersive and exciting experience. The expansion introduces new gameplay mechanics, enhanced graphics, and a wealth of new content to explore. From the addition of robotic parts to the expanded focus on scientific exploration, Breaking Ground takes the game to new heights. Strap on your helmet, grab your tools, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through space with Kerbal Space Program’s Breaking Ground expansion, including the futuristic and science-focused new suit for players to wear. The expansion also introduces new science parts, allowing players to further their scientific endeavors and break new ground in the game.

The Impact on Spacecraft Design and Construction

Breaking Ground expansion has a significant impact on spacecraft design and construction in Kerbal Space Program. With the introduction of new robotic parts, including Breaking Ground parts, players have more creative freedom than ever before. Hinges, pistons, rotors, and rotational servos of various sizes allow players to build intricate and dynamic structures using Breaking Ground parts. From rovers with articulated limbs to space stations with rotating components, the possibilities are endless. The expansion encourages players to think outside the box and push the boundaries of their craftsmanship. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or a beginner, Breaking Ground’s new parts offer exciting opportunities for innovative spacecraft design and construction.

Strategic Planning for Missions with New Tools

In the vast expanse of kerbal space program breaking ground expansion, strategic planning is the key to successful missions. And Breaking Ground expansion takes this to a whole new level with the introduction of some seriously cool new tools. Forget about old-fashioned mission planning with pen and paper, now you can use robotic pistons and joints to create innovative spacecraft designs that would make even the most seasoned rocket scientists green with envy. Want to build a giant mechanical tarantula to skitter around mission control? Well, you can’t. But you can certainly come up with some genius contraptions that will leave your fellow Kerbals scratching their heads in awe. So get ready to unleash your inner genius and embark on daring missions with the help of these groundbreaking tools.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

Community and Developer Insights

The kerbal space program breaking ground expansion community is as vibrant and passionate as ever, and the developers have been listening to their feedback and suggestions. From the early stages of development, the community has been actively engaged in shaping the Breaking Ground expansion. Their insights and ideas have played a crucial role in making the expansion a truly remarkable addition to the game. So, a big shout-out to all the Kerbal players out there who have shared their thoughts and made this expansion possible. Keep the feedback coming, and let’s continue exploring the vastness of space, one hilarious rocket launch at a time!

Player Feedback on Breaking Ground

The Breaking Ground expansion has been a hit among players, with many praising its innovative gameplay features. Ground players, in particular, have found joy in the new tools and surface formations available. The ability to study and analyze different rock formations and conduct scientific experiments has added a whole new dimension to the game. Players have been sharing their hilarious and sometimes disastrous experiences on forums and social media, recounting tales of failed experiments and unexpected discoveries. It’s clear that Breaking Ground has captured the imagination of players and provided them with endless hours of entertainment. So, if you’re ready to join the ranks of ground players and explore the uncharted territories of the Kerbal universe, strap in and get ready for an adventure like no other.

Future Updates and Plans from the Developers

The future looks exciting for kerbal space program breaking ground expansion as the developers at Private Division have ambitious plans to further expand the game. They have been actively listening to the feedback and suggestions from the community and have already started working on exciting new updates. While they are tight-lipped about the specifics, they have hinted at even more groundbreaking features and enhancements to come. So, if you thought Breaking Ground was the ultimate frontier, think again. The developers are not done yet, and they are determined to take the game to new heights. Stay tuned for future updates and prepare to be amazed as your journey through the Kerbal universe continues to evolve and push the boundaries of space exploration. Private Division and Kerbal Space Program and their respective logos are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion

Tips and Tricks for Navigating the Expansion

Navigating the Breaking Ground expansion can be a daunting task, especially for new players. But fear not, fellow Kerbal enthusiasts, for I have some tips and tricks to help you make the most of this new frontier. First and foremost, don’t be afraid to get creative. The expansion offers a whole range of new parts and tools that you can use to build your dream spacecraft. Experiment with different designs and see what works best for you. And remember, failure is just another opportunity for a hilarious video montage. So strap in, hold on tight, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Recommended Mods to Enhance the Breaking Ground Experience

While the Breaking Ground expansion offers a wealth of new features and tools, some players may want to further enhance their gameplay experience. Thankfully, the Kerbal Space Program community is full of talented modders who have created some incredible mods that complement the expansion perfectly. Whether you’re looking for visual enhancements, new challenges, or additional tools and parts, there’s a mod out there for you. Some popular mods include “Enhanced Ground Construction,” which adds even more building options, and “Kerbal Engineer Redux,” which provides detailed information about your spacecraft’s performance. So, if you’re ready to take your Breaking Ground experience to the next level, don’t forget to check out these recommended mods and let your creativity soar.

Essential Strategies for New Players

For new players venturing into the world of Kerbal Space Program with the Breaking Ground expansion, it’s important to have a few strategies up your sleeve. First and foremost, take your time to familiarize yourself with the new tools and features. Experiment with different designs and learn from your failures. Trust me, there will be plenty of them. Secondly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from the Kerbal community. They are a friendly bunch and always willing to lend a hand to fellow space enthusiasts. And finally, embrace the chaos and have fun. Remember, Kerbal Space Program is not just about reaching the stars; it’s about the hilarious mishaps and unexpected discoveries along the way. So strap in, and get ready for a wild ride through the Kerbal universe.

kerbal space program breaking ground expansion


This Breaking Ground Expansion is like a rocket launching into the fun galaxy of Kerbal Space Program! With enhanced surface features, new robotics parts, and challenges galore, it’s a space adventure unlike any other. From strategic planning for missions to player feedback and future updates, the sky’s not even the limit anymore! So, gear up, fellow Kerbonauts, and get ready to soar through this quirky universe with a sprinkle of laughter and a dash of cosmic chaos! After all, who said exploring space can’t be a barrel of laughs? Strap in, and let’s launch into the hilariously epic journey that is Kerbal Space Program’s Breaking Ground Expansion!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the minimum system requirements for the Breaking Ground Expansion?

Minimum System Requirements for Breaking Ground Expansion:

  1. Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
  2. Memory: 4 GB RAM
  3. Graphics: DX10 (SM 4.0) capable, 512MB VRAM
  4. Storage: 3 GB available space
  5. Additional Notes: Broadband Internet connection

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