Rainbow Six Siege Prepares For New Season With New Patch
Rainbow Six Siege is preparing for the arrival of a brand new season called Burnt Horizon, and with it will come many changes, including new Operators for the beloved multiplayer game. But before that point, there are some things to take care of. The team at Ubisoft have been working hard to ensure that the game is ready for the new season, and because of that, a brand new patch has been inserted into the game. And Ubisoft went into great detail on it in their Patch Notes.
We’ve made a number of changes and updates over the course of the Burnt Horizon Season Test Server.To help optimize player experience for future updates, we are also in the process of restructuring how our game data is stored – this will help consolidate and reduce the overall game size. This means that the Burnt Horizon Patch will be larger than normal. Patch sizes for each platform will be provided prior to maintenance.

Adjustments to the Rainbow Six Siege gameplay include:
- Previous camera placement at a full lean allowed players to fire without being completely exposed. As part of our fix to counteract lean spamming, we are shifting the camera to the center of the head instead of the far side of the head, even when at a “full lean”.
They’ve also cleaned up the animations of the game:
- With Y4S1, we have cleaned up the animations in the back end, and streamlined them. This will allow us more freedom to implement new features and unique aspects of the game in the future, as the overall animation development pipeline has been streamlined. We have also updated the new running animations based on the player feedback we received so that the head lean is less aggressive to make the sprint animation look more natural.
Check out the full Patch Notes for all the details on the fixes and upgrades. And get ready for Burnt Horizon when it comes this week.